How to Enable Self-Pay For Background Checks


Setting Up Self-Pay Background Checks

Organizations may select self-pay when ordering Background Checks. This feature allows organizations to pass the cost of the Background Check to the user. 

To enable the option for self-pay Background Checks in your Control Panel:

- Click ‘Background Checks’ in the left-hand menu.

- Click ‘Settings’ at the top.

- Check ‘Add Option To Pass Cost On To User’ under the ‘BACKGROUND CHECKS MODULE CONFIGURATION’ section.

- Click ‘Save.’

To enable self-pay on a Background Check:

- Click ‘Background Checks’ in the left-hand menu.

- Click ‘Order Background Checks.’ 

- Select the user, check the box under the ‘Self-Pay’ column, and select the Level of Background Check. 

- Click ‘Order Quickapp.’

- Complete every required drop-down for the user, confirm that the correct user is listed and select ‘Order QuickApp.’

Self-Pay Background Check FAQ:

Q: How does a user pay for a Background Check?

A: Once an Administrator has requested a Background Check, the user will receive an email with instructions to pay via credit card. 

Q: What happens after a user submits payment for a Background Check?

A: As soon as a user pays for his or her Background Check, a receipt will be sent to the user by email. Shortly after payment is received, the user will receive a separate email with instructions and a link to complete the Background Check.

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