Each Background Check requires action from an Administrator.
A Background Check will not show as approved on the ‘Manage Users’ page until it has been approved on the ‘In Process’ page in the ‘Background Checks’ submenu.
To view a completed Background Check, click ‘Background Checks’ in the left-hand menu, then select ‘In Process’ in the top menu.
After reviewing a completed Background Check, take action on it by clicking the ‘Gear’ symbol in the right-hand column.
You will see different options for an Employee than you will for a Volunteer.
For an Employee, you will see the following options:
It is important to note the difference between 'Adverse - Offer Rescinded' and 'Adverse - Employment Denied.'
If you have already issued a job offer to the Applicant but are now rescinding the offer, choose 'Adverse - Offer Rescinded.'
If you will be denying employment to the Applicant but have not already issued a job offer, please choose 'Adverse - Employment Denied.'
Please Note:
This must occur after taking Pre-adverse action, and after the 7-day waiting period.
For a Volunteer, you will see the following options:
If you will be denying a Volunteer opportunity for the Applicant based on the findings of their Background Check, you will choose 'Adverse - Deny Applicant.’
Please Note:
This must occur after taking Pre-adverse action, and after the 7-day waiting period.
Once the Background Check has been accepted or rejected, it will move into the ‘View All’ page in the ‘Background Checks’ submenu.
Get the most out of your Background Checks by viewing our Background Checks Training.
This Training covers strengths, weaknesses, and strategies in the use of Background Checks.
Do NOT take action on a Background Check before it has completed processing, as this will interrupt the process and the Background Check will have to be archived and reordered.
Approve: Select this option if there is nothing in the Background Check report that precludes the User from involvement in your Organization.
Pre-Adverse: Select this option if there is information in the Background Check report that may preclude the User from involvement in your Organization. In compliance with the FCRA (federal law), a notification letter will be sent by email to the User, including a copy of the Background Check report and a copy of each individual’s rights under the law. This step MUST occur before any adverse action is taken based upon the report.
Adverse: Select this option if the Background Check report includes information that precludes the User from involvement in your Organization, and you have completed the pre-adverse process.
Archive: Select this option if a report (not completed by the Applicant) is no longer needed, or the Applicant did not complete the form within the 14-day active period.
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