Rebecca Jordan
How to Remove Users
For record-keeping purposes, users cannot be deleted. However, they may be marked ‘inactive.’ Inactive users will not appear on the main ‘Manage Users’ page, cannot log into their profile, and cann...
How to Purge Cache and Cookies
Click on your browser below for step-by-step instructions to clear your cache and cookies. Please be sure to set the time frame to ‘all time’. - Chrome - Safari - Firefox - Explorer
How to Add Webhooks
To add Webhooks and send Abuse Prevention Systems notifications through your Learning Management System, log into your Abuse Prevention Systems account and access our Developer Center here. Once yo...
QuickApp Certification
By clicking the ‘Order QuickApp’ button, the Administrator is placing a Background Check (‘Consumer Report’) order on the user. In addition, the Administrator is generating an electronic invitation...
How May I Edit Training Reminders?
To edit Training Reminders: Select ‘Trainings’ on the left-hand menu. Select the ‘Training Settings’ tab at the top. Click on the action button to the right of the Training you wish to edit. Here...
Can I Pause Training Videos and Complete Them at a Later Time?
Yes. Training videos are designed to be completed at each Trainee’s pace. You may close the page entirely and return to the place in the training you previously paused. Please Note: Our system doe...
Awareness Training Versions and Settings
To change settings and version availability, click ‘Trainings’ in the left-hand menu, then click ‘Training Settings’ at the top. When you click the pencil icon beside ‘Awareness Training,’ you will...
Why Do Pop-Ups Appear Each Time I Order or View A Background Check?
Background Check information is protected by federal law: the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). When you view Background Check information, you must certify that you understand and are in complianc...
How to Send Trainings
To send Trainings: Click ‘Trainings’ in the left-hand toolbar. Click ‘Send Training’ underneath the Training you are assigning. Click ‘Select’ under the preferred Training version, if applicable. ...
The Fair Credit Reporting Act
Background Checks are regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which is legislation passed by the United States Federal Government to safeguard the accuracy and privacy of consumer infor...